His Excellency Mr Ridwaan Jadwat joins Australia UAE Business Council Advisory Board

7 May 2024

The Australia UAE Business Council is pleased to announce the appointment of His Excellency Mr Ridwaan Jadwat, the Australian Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as its newest Advisory Board Member.

Mr Jadwat brings a wealth of experience and a distinguished career in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). His recent roles include First Assistant Secretary of the Middle East and Africa Division and Australia’s Special Envoy to the OIC since December 2018. Mr Jadwat has also served as Australia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, and Yemen from June 2018 until December 2020, and has held significant positions in Australian missions in Tehran and Kuala Lumpur.

Mr Jadwat’s extensive background includes heading DFAT’s Southeast Asia Division and the Southeast Asia Maritime Division in the Office of Southeast Asia. He was seconded to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet from 2015-2018, serving as Assistant Secretary for South and South-East Asia, the Americas, and the Middle East, International Division, and as the Head of Policy in the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit Taskforce.

Commenting on the appointment, the Hon Christopher Pyne, Australia Co-Chair of the Australia UAE Business Council, said, “We are delighted to welcome His Excellency Mr Ridwaan Jadwat to our Advisory Board. His deep expertise in international relations and his extensive experience in the Middle East will be invaluable as we continue to strengthen the economic ties between Australia and the UAE.”

In accepting position, Mr Jadwat said, “With negotiations on a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement underway between Australia and the UAE – it is an important time in our bilateral economic relationship, and we must seize the momentum to enhance two-way investment. I look forward to continuing the Australian Embassy’s close cooperation and support of [the Council] over the course of my appointment as Ambassador to the UAE.”

The Australia UAE Business Council plays a critical role in enhancing bilateral relations, promoting trade and investment, and fostering mutual understanding between Australia and the UAE. The appointment of His Excellency Mr Ridwaan Jadwat underscores the Council’s commitment to leveraging high-caliber expertise to achieve these goals.





For more information on the Council’s Advisory Board, visit ausuaebc.com/advisory-board or contact  media@ausuaebc.com
